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a sister of God
On August 29th, 1971, twenty-nine persons met at the home of Rev Isaac Martin, Jr. at 355 Keer Avenue, Newark, NJ with the sole purpose of establishing a new church. The church was founded and organized by Rev. Isaac Martin, Jr. The name of the church was suggested by Deacon Edward Howell and accepted by the charter member, The name: UNITY FREEDOM BAPTIST CHURCH.

Our first place of worship ws at the Good Neighbor Baptist Church, which now is located on Chancellor Avenue. We worshipped at this church for serveral weeks. Soon, the Hand of God guided us to 434 14th Avenue, Newark, where the Rev. Huff so gracefully permitted us to worship in his edifice. We remained there until April 21, 1972. During our stay at 434 14th Avenue, God richly increased our present edifice at 739 South 20th Street, Newark, NJ from the Ukranian Assemblies of God and Christ on April 24, 1972.

Our Marching-In-Service was held on April 28, 1972 at 3:30pm. The late Rev. William S. Pierce and the Clearview congregation were our guest. Twelve years later the mortgage was burned.

On December 1, 1995, our Pastor and Founder, the Rev Isaac Martin, Jr. wethe Rev. Cornt to his Heavenly Home where he watches over us from on High. During his time with us he developed many programs to minister to the need of the congregation as well as the community- He was a Pastor, Friend, Visionary and our Guiding Light.

Today, the church is shepherded by Rev. Cornelius Wesley Martin, the son of the Founder, and his wife, First Lady Versey M. Martin.

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Contact Information

  • Unity Freedom Baptist Church 739 South 20th Street (Rev. Dr. Isaac Martin, Jr. Plaza) Newark, New Jersey 07103 Rev. Cornelius Wesley Martin, M. Div., Senior Pastor Deacon Dorothy Hall, Chrm, Deacon Ministry Trustee Pamela Mays, Chrmn, Trustee Ministry Send Your Prayer Request to the War Room at UFBC.
  • Phone: 973-230-7219 Fax: 973-763-1421 or 973-391-5722 Alternate No.: 973-763-4815
  • Email: Unityfreedombaptistchurch@gmail.com